15 June 2009

The end of an era.

Tonight was my last night as an employee of Alaska's largest Canadian-owned liquor store chain. I'm tired, my feet hurt, and because I have to be at my new, real job at 8.30am, I bailed on hanging out and drinking with my friend/coworker after the closing shift. I'm a responsible adult, at times.

Working in the liquor store was an adventure for sure. Every day was something different and new and while the work was often tedious, sometimes mind-numbing, I was never ever bored. I met some good people that I hope to remain in contact with for a very long time, and I got to meet some of Anchorage's most...special...clientele. Mostly, I learned that people are, for whatever reason, very drawn to my personality, and that no matter how hard life gets, there is always someone who is worse off than me, and it teaches me to be thankful for what I have.

To Omar, Roberta, Kenny, Cody, Aviq and my favorite regulars: It's been fun.

On to bigger and better things.

Stay tuned to this blog for meanderings on stand-up comedy in Anchorage and whatever else I decide is worthy of a read.

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